Ashtang yog is a highly spiritual discipline that holistically encompasses the body ,mind, atma, and paramatama.
Patangali rishi (200 BCE) composed a sanskrit text known as a yog darshanam, whose shlokas are known as yog sutras. The word yog is derived from the sanskrit root yuj-to unite, to merge with parmatma . Maharshi Patangali 's Ashtang yog comprises of eight factors namely.
1) YUM(self -restraint)
2) NIYAM(external and internal purity)
3) ASANA(postures)
4) PRANAYAM(control of prana with breath)
5) PRATYAHAR(withdrawal of senses from their objects)
6) DHARANA(concentration)
7) DHYANA(meditation)
8) SAMADHI(transcendental realisation)
Patangali rishi (200 BCE) composed a sanskrit text known as a yog darshanam, whose shlokas are known as yog sutras. The word yog is derived from the sanskrit root yuj-to unite, to merge with parmatma . Maharshi Patangali 's Ashtang yog comprises of eight factors namely.
1) YUM(self -restraint)
2) NIYAM(external and internal purity)
3) ASANA(postures)
4) PRANAYAM(control of prana with breath)
5) PRATYAHAR(withdrawal of senses from their objects)
6) DHARANA(concentration)
7) DHYANA(meditation)
8) SAMADHI(transcendental realisation)