Thursday, June 12, 2008


This means to control passions and diversting the mind from undesirable worldly thoughts and focus them on the atma. There are five factors

i) Ahimsa:It is non-injury in mind,speech and action towards any creature any any manner: mind - not to think maliciously of others,

speech- not to use foul language ,swear,backbite or quarrel.

action - avoiding injury to a person or creature

Ahimsa in thought is even more dmanding .It requires both interospection and effort. Thinking a bad thought about somebody whom we do not like or have a grudge against ,tantamounts to himsa.

By chronically harbouring vengance, anger or hostility one can never experience shanti within - (bhagwatgita 2/66).

on the contrary they are destructive to an individuals atma,mind and body and also to his family and society. Researchers today also corrobate this. In FOrgivieness (Theory,Research & Practice), the medicla auther cite studies documenting that chronic hostility is associated with negative health outcomes(McCullough 2000:257).

One should live a truthful life in thought,speech and action . Regarding speech ,one should speakthat truth which is also benevolent and pleasing(Manu Smruti 4/138).

Another imprtant factor concerning satya ,is to earn one's living without deceit, fraud, or theft.For the young attending school or college , satya means to work diligently,not to copy from other's, nor to cheat in exam. To observe this satya one must cultivate an understanding that god is omnipresent and omniscient.

iii)Asteya (avoiding stealing possesions of others)

Taking something that does not rightfully belong to one self ,without permission of the owner or by violating the codes of the conduct enjoined by shastras,is known as theft Just thinking of acquiring something that belongs to others is also considered as theft .
Stealing gold (orcurrency in any form )is one of the five greatest sins-Punch Mahapap(ManuSmriti 11/5)


Bhramacharya is the observance of eight fold celibacy and to remain engrossed in brahman. For householders the shastras consider bhramacharya as - one who is loyal to his wife ,is a celibate. prior to marriage the shastras forbid pre-martial relations.

As far as Ashtang yog is concerned ,bhramacharya is an extremely important factor in conserving virya(vitual energy) and boosting the spiritual energy in an individual.
Vishaybhog -indulgece in the sense pleasures-ruins a person(vairagyashatak 12).

v) Aparigraha (detached livingb with minimum requirements)

Simple living is the key to happiness . The more possesions a person has the greater his mental burden and the greater the carving to acquire further possessions,either lawfully or unlawfully.The mind needs to be free if material garbage in order to perfect yog.This requires a firm commitment to live a simple life - of simple clothing ,simple food,minimum mateial requirements and comfort, and a maximam detachment from them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this matter is really very nice.